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Melody Time: A Classroom Management And Reward System

Submitted by Tami Mangusso, Aurora, Colorado

Idea posted 2003-08-04

Classes can earn Melody Time money during each music class. The amount will depend on the class' behavior and it will vary each class time. I plan on using the "Composer Money" that I got from a catalog. I will have a concertmaster that will collect the money and help me keep track of the class' money. I plan on having a notebook that we will record the money amounts in. I have a different concertmaster for each day/week.

At the end of the week/month, the class can earn a chance to draw a reward out of the Melody Time box. I have made a list of different rewards (see below). I will put all of the rewards on a card and put them in a box. The concertmaster will be the one to draw from the box and choose the reward, whatever the card says is what the reward will be. After they have received the reward, they cannot have that one reward again. They will draw from the remaining rewards in the box the next time.

There will be some wild cards in the box. The wild card will give the class a chance to vote on what the reward will be. We will come up with three rewards that the class wants and then vote on it. If they pick something that hasn't been drawn out of the box, they can still have the reward and the reward still stays in the box. They can also repeat a reward that they have already had. This gives the class a chance to have the same reward again. When all of the rewards have been drawn, I will put them all back in the box.

Here's how it all works:
1. The words "Melody Time" are written on the board.

The class will receive $20 per letter, giving them a chance to earn $200 dollars per class time.

The teacher will take letters away for poor behavior. Letters cannot be earned back.

I will have my own box on the board to keep track of how much money I have earned. I will also give bonus money to classes who have earned more than me.

2. The class can earn more Melody Time money by reaching goals set by the teacher.

Example: Students can follow the music score while listening to the recording without getting lost. The teacher will randomly pause the music and ask a student to point to where the music stopped. If the class can get two out of three times correct, then the goal has been met! (I will pick a different student each time.)

Example: Can sing the first phrase on pitch using solfège syllables without the audio recording.

The teacher will determine the amount of Melody Time money for the goals. It will vary for each goal. There will be several goals during one music class.

3. The class can also earn Melody Time money for showing good behavior.

It will be at the teacher's discretion as to when and how much money will be granted for this. For example: The class receives $25 for coming in quietly or $50 for showing respect for each other.

4. At the end of the week/month, the class can earn a chance to draw a reward from the Melody Time box.

The class must have the set money amount in their account to earn this privilege. The amount will be set at the beginning of each week/month. It can vary each time, for example: $1,500. The reward will be paid during the next music class.

5. The class can lose money by not reaching a goal or by showing a lack of class participation.

An individual cannot cause the class to lose Melody Time money. Melody Time money is a class effort, not an individual effort. The teacher will determine the amount, which will vary. The teacher can also take money for poor behavior, even if there are still letters left on the board. The amount will be above $20.

Here are the rewards I intend on using:
1. A Treat: Skittles, M & M's, Jolly Ranchers, cookies, Graham Crackers, Animal Crackers, etc. (For the Skittles and M & M's, they will only get six to eight pieces.)

All of the teachers, including myself, send a letter home explaining to parents/guardians that we use treats as rewards, on occasion.

2. Free Choice Seating:

a. free choice seating for one music class

b. free choice seating for two music classes

3. Games: I don't play a lot of games, but I have a lot to use (many are from the Mailing List).

a. games for 10 minutes

b. games for 20 minutes

c. games for 30 minutes

d. games for 40 minutes

e. games for 50 minutes

4. A Treat And A Game:

a. a treat and a game for half of the class time

b. a treat and a game for the entire class time

5. Video: I usually don't show a lot of videos in class, but I have a large collection of music videos. I would also let parents/guardians know when the class will be seeing a video.

a. a video for half of the class time

b. a video for the entire class time

c. a 30-minute video and a game

d. a video and a treat for half of the class time

e. a video and a treat for the entire class time

6. Grand Finale: a game the entire class time, a treat, and bring CDs from home

There will be one card with each of the rewards on them. I will only put one or two cards with a treat on them. The treat will vary each time. (I get a lot of my treats for free. I have a wonderful grandpa who likes to shop for bargains.)

I will also increase the amount of money each week/month in order to get a chance to draw from the box.

I intend to use this system with 2nd-5th grade.

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