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Popsicle Stick Half Notes

Submitted by Jennifer Schroeder, Fall River, Wisconsin

Idea posted 2003-06-02

Question: I've been using Popsicle sticks as manipulatives for kids to make "ta" and "ti-ti" four-beat patterns. One of my first graders wants to do half notes. What could I use as the notehead for half notes? I would like to use something like the Popsicle sticks that can be kept indefinitely in a Ziplock bag.

Answer: When we first do this activity after learning half notes, I ask them, "Now how can we make a two-oo (half) note? Can anyone think of something you have right there that might work?" There's always at least one kid who has figured this out already in his/her head and can tell you right away. Use the rubber band for the open circle of the half note. I only do this activity through second grade.

I also do "half-time entertainment." I challenge the students to make as many letters of their first name as they can with the sticks. Some kids can spell out their whole name. Others have too many letters, so they can only get half written. They love it and beg for half-time entertainment whenever we use the sticks.

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