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Composition Rubric

Submitted by Christine Bock, Knoxville, Tennessee

Idea posted 2003-04-28

 Q: I am starting a composition project with my 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders (to be played on recorder and unpitched percussion). I was wondering if anyone has a rubric they have used for a project of this nature.

 A: I do a composition unit with my 3rd graders. Are they composing as a group, in small groups, or as individuals? I usually do small groups and the group as a whole. For small groups, my requirements are:

  • Song must have 2 verses and a refrain (sometimes I use ABA)

  •   The verse must have at least 8 measures
  •   The refrain must have at least 4 measures
  •   The verse and refrain must sound different from each other
  •   1 pitched and 1 unpitched instrument must be used
   I also ask each member of the group to fill out a peer evaluation form, rating the participation of each member of the group.

 When we compose as a group, I keep the grade book next to me. I tell the class that everyone is expected to give suggestions and participate. Anytime a student gives a suggestion, whether it's used or not, I put a + in my book. That gives me a pretty good idea of how they are participating.

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