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Presenting Fugue Form With Little Fugue In G Minor

Submitted by Linda Abbott, New York

Idea posted 2003-02-19

Question: I have both Tocatta & Fugue and Little Fugue that I could use for listening/studying examples. I also have the Bach's Fight For Freedom video. Any ideas??

Answer: I've used this in 5th grade many times and it has worked very well:

Little Fugue in G Minor
1st Listening: Play the theme several times before playing the piece. Students listen with eyes closed. Children create and perform a steady beat or continuous motion for the first entrance of the theme. This motion continues until the 2nd entrance when students make up a different motion. The process continues until the end of the piece. There are 9 TRUE entrances - an additional one is only partial. (The idea for closing eyes is to cut down on the feeling of self-consciousness.)
2nd Listening: Students sit in pairs facing each other. Determine who leads first. With the 1st entrance, leader #1 creates a motion that the partner mirrors as exactly as possible. With the 2nd entrance, their roles change. Leadership continues to alternate with each entrance.
3rd Listening: Repeat 2nd listening, but with 3-4 students sitting in circle. Determine leader and which way around circle the turns will go. The tricky part here is that copying is more difficult when the leader chooses to do a right/left motion. Children ACROSS in the circle tend to mirror while neighboring children tend to use the same side as the leader.
4th Listening: Repeat as above with 8-9 in a group, if possible.

I stress to the class that motions need to be silent (clapping, for example). NO vocal sounds/talking. I also mention that the MOST impressive groups are the ones who work together and try to copy the leader as exactly as possible. Most groups rise to the occasion! If leaders wish to stand for their action, that's OK too.

Hope this is helpful.

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