Printed from the Idea Bank

Fun With Forte Piano

Submitted by Karla Biggar, Peoria, Arizona

Idea posted 2002-11-22

I just did the song "Forte Piano" (from Music K-8, Vol. 13, No. 1). It's soooooo cute. I'd been doing all the loud and soft activities, including the "Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" and singing loud and soft following a "P" card and "F" card, etc. Today we added "FF" and "PP" and crescendo. I used my flash cards again every time we sang the words in the song. Then the boys and girls split. Then we did hands up on forte and hands down on piano and drew the crescendo in the air. The last time, we stood with hands up on the fortes and sat all scrunched down on the piano. Toooo fun! The kids were singing it on the way out the door and I know they'll beg for it again next time.

Once again, thanks Teresa and Paul for ALL the fabulous music you write. It's easy for all music teachers to look good with your help and the great music and incredible accompaniments.

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