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Grand Old Flag Movement Idea

Submitted by Tom Wallace, Loganville, Georgia

Idea posted 2001-11-20

I did not make all of these movements up myself. Some were from a 1st grade musical that the teachers did the year before I got here. The students taught me and I filled in the blanks. Pray some of them work for you.

You're a grand old flag you're a high flying flag and
(soft-march in place)
Forever in peace may you wave
(arms above head, wave arms from elbows)
You're the emblem of
(Hand over heart)
the land I love, the home of the
(other hand crosses over 1st to make the love sign)
free and the
(wrists together in front then separate quickly to the sides as if breaking the chains or handcuffs from wrists)
brave every
(arms up at shoulder level like a muscle-man pose)
heart beats true for the
(hands crossed at fingers beating on heart with song)
Red, White and Blue
(count on fingers 1,2,3)
where there's never a boast or brag
(first finger up, follow with head to left/right as saying no)
but should auld acq., be
(hand over heart as if dear friend)
(move hand to opposite side and down as negative motion)
Keep your eye on the
(2 fingers of right hand at right eye)
Grand Old Flag
(2 fingers point on each word out to flag, on the & of the beat LIGHTLY touch the temple to help keep the rhythm of the music)

Kind of a lot, but I have found my 2nd and 1st can do very well.

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