Printed from the Idea Bank

Save Your Voice

Submitted by Teena Young, Kentucky

Idea posted 2002-11-15

Question: Can anyone help? Why is it that my voice is so hoarse I can barely sing? I've only been in school 4 days. I know I'm getting used to using it a lot more, but does this happen to everyone? Am I using my voice incorrectly?

Answer: There have been several threads relating to this on the

My ENT gives me lots of advice...

  1. Keep water with lemon juice in it with you in the room, and sip on it all day.
  2. No caffeine!!!
  3. Be VERY aware of how you are using your voice while teaching - make a point of developing non-verbal signals to do as much of the management parts as you can. I use clapping patterns and flipping light switches for quiet signals, and have developed a look that could kill while waiting for the one or two who are not talking to stop, and the rest of the class "shushes" them for me. I also have a card system where if I hand them a pink card that says "Music" on it, they know they broke a behavior rule and have to take the card back to their teacher for consequences - I do not have to stop and discuss it with them.
  4. Don't hesitate to take a day or two off for vocal rest if it is voice strain - AND DO IT. Rest your voice - no talking for the days you take off!

That's my two cents. Good luck and take care of yourself!

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