Printed from the Idea Bank

Zoo Plates: Attach Sticks With Velcro

Submitted by Susan Cavin, South Carolina

Idea posted 2002-10-30

I used velcro to hold the animal plates and sticks together. Simply attach. When you are finished, take the plates and sticks apart and store in separate gallon-sized zipping plastic bags. Plates can be sorted according to animals, songs, or games. Distribution is simple! Storage is in a plastic box. You can buy velcro strips in a large roll (it is a little expensive, but well worth the investment) and cut the size you want, or you can purchase the velcro dots. You don't have to worry about someone breaking the sticks off and ruining your plates. Just set your ground rules about leaving the sticks on, and take the plates away from any student who chooses to create problems.

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