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Veterans Day Program

Submitted by Patricia Oeste, NBCT, Conway, Arkansas

Idea posted 2002-10-30

I am doing a Veterans Day program and find that this has been one of the more gratifying programs I have ever done. I have included the Veteran's Wall, which has been very, very interesting. The fireman's color guard will be there for the posting of the colors during "This Is America" (from Music K-8, Vol. 13, No. 1). Our Superintendent has agreed to read "What is a Veteran?" An Asst. Principal at the 9/10 campus is a vet and has agreed (with LOADS of gentle persuasion) to speak about his experiences and feelings. A local bluegrass band (Fantastic - many of them are former parents of our students) will be doing a barbershop rendition of "America, The Beautiful" and "Oh, Danny Boy." A trumpet teacher from the university will play "Taps." We will be using the "American Tears" (also from Music K-8, Vol. 13, No. 1) Powerpoint, streamers in "You're A Grand Old Flag," and flashlights in "We Are The People Of The 21st Century" (from Music K-8, Vol. 10, No. 1). I also have a tone-chime group that will play "My Country 'Tis Of Thee." We will be doing the SSB reader's theater (I'm adding instruments from my digital piano and more choral reading!) and the poem One (by Dr. Cheryl Sawyer; links to words below) with the scarves and pulling out the flag at the end. Also, I will be using the fog machine for "You Are Our Heroes" (from Music K-8, Vol. 12, No. 4). I have five parents that have agreed to make an appearance (Nurse, EMT Dr., Firefighter, State Trooper, Navy Officer), and I will have their kids come to them on stage at the end for the "Thank you."

All of the pieces are slowly falling into place and the kids are all very, very involved. At least 65 of them have something individual to do, something "special." I have linked the whole show together with patriotic quotes (now THAT took a while to find) that pertain to that particular section of the show: Our Flag, Our Land, Our Heroes, Our Veterans, Our Hopes. NOW, to get all 260 bodies flowing in the right direction!!!

For costumes, I bought those patriotic vests from Oriental Trading. The kids will wear blue jeans and white short-sleeved T-shirts. EASY! Not like last year, when I was running around trying to make 90 pairs of sailor pants out of donated hospital sheets!!!

Also, I saw that the Travel Channel will be doing a special on the Vietnam Memorial Wall on Monday, Nov. 4 called Vietnam Veterans Memorial: Wall of Courage at 9 p.m. eastern! This will be a wonderful follow-up for our Veterans Day Program.

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