Printed from the Idea Bank

Opera Unit

Submitted by Tess Hoffman, Michigan

Idea posted 2002-10-23

I always start an opera unit with, "Tell me everything you know about opera," and I write everything they say on the board. You can predict:

They scream.
They sing really high.
They sing really loud.
They wear funny clothes.
They sing in foreign languages.

And of course, on the extremely rare occasion when they DON'T mention large women with horned helmets, you can say, "Come on, people, you're not trying hard enough!" There is such a ton of laughter mixed in with this discussion, and it offers so many teachable opportunities to springboard off their observations:

  • Yes, they do often sing loud. Opportunity to talk about big voices needed to fill a hall before electronic amplification. Also to talk about vocal focus.
  • Yes, they sing high. Also low. Chance to discuss soprano, alto, tenor, bass.
  • Yes, they wear costumes. After all, these are stories. (Some of them deliciously grisly!)
  • Yes, many operas were originally written in Italian, German, French. Some in English - Amahl, of course, and Menotti's other gems. Chance to talk about the wonders of sub- and surtitles.
  • We wrap up by realizing that they know a lot more about opera than they thought they knew. And we've gotten the "It ain't over till the fat lady sings" stuff out of our systems. These classes are some of my very favorites - and most successful.

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