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Organizing Class Lists/Charts With A Binder

Submitted by Andrea Cope, Texas

Idea posted 2002-07-16

Question: For those of you who teach several different grade levels, like K-8, I'm wondering how you organize your class lists, seating charts, assessment charts, etc. for each class and keep it all straight?

Answer: I have a single binder organized to match my three day rotation. Seating charts are in order, so all I have to do at the end of class is flip to the next page. The next section is class lists, on which I enter grades at the end of the six weeks. Classroom teachers take care of putting them on report cards. I keep a separate grade book, as required by the district. The third section is the medical list, alphabetically by grade. At the back is a section of info for subs. For performance grades, I write the grade directly onto the seating chart, using a different color for each grade (blue for pitch matching, red for recorder, etc.) and transfer them all to the grade book whenever I have time.

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