Printed from the Idea Bank

Musical Easter Egg Hunt

Submitted by Emily Weed, Durham, Connecticut

Idea posted 2002-07-02

Last year, when I was student teaching we had an accucut of an Easter egg where a broken half folded in front of the big egg so you could write something inside and fold it over to cover the answer. Then, inside I put pictures of things we were reviewing, like staff, treble clef, quarter note... and we had an Easter egg hunt. There were like 10 things we were reviewing and four of each item. I think I used blue, green, yellow, and purple - all pastel colors. By having four of each item, there were four winners each round, and if you had a blue, yellow, and purple come in already, you knew there was still a green one out there. I hid them around the room but they were all in visible places. This room was also the library, so the last thing I needed was the kids going through all of the books on the shelves.

The activity worked well, and they loved it. Towards the end, I only had the kids who had not found an egg yet go and find one. This year, since I don't have the accucut, I may just cut out ovals and have the eggs flipped over on the floor. I may also add some blank eggs just because when you say the last item it's like "Hmm... I wonder where they are?" I would recommend that you get the eggs laminated before you do this because I did have a few accidents even with the "Be Careful" speech.

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