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Several Techniques To Get Kids Singing With Energy

Submitted by Gretchen Taylor, Illinois

Idea posted 2002-06-05

The easiest and quickest way I've found to draw energy out of a group is do any of the following (and these can be done with any song at all)...

  1. Find a repeating word, short phrase, or even words that begin with the same letter. While singing, ask the kids to change their position each time they get to this word. (Easiest way is to start seated, then alternate standing/sitting. For something silly, they can simply hit a different "pose" each time). You can also divide the class with one group sitting, the other standing. They alternate as they sing the key word.
  2. Get them up on their feet. If there is no change, get them marching. If there is no change, bring in a large bouncy ball and announce that the first enthusiastic singer to catch your eye will get to sit and bounce to the beat while the rest of the class sings. Better yet, bring in two balls. The bouncers can watch for new bouncers to take their place after each singing.
  3. Get them singing in different ways. For instance, have them hold their nose and sing, sing in different accents, sing like Brittney Spears (heaven forbid), sing while hanging head upside down between knees, etc.
  4. Play an elimination game. Sing song. Let the first enthusiastic singer who catches your eye choose a word in the song to be eliminated. Sing again, but don't sing the eliminated word. Perhaps put a movement or silly sound in its place. Continue until they can't keep up with the eliminated words or when nearly all the words are gone (Like John Brown's Baby).
  5. Invite "show-offs" to come up front and sing the song into fake mikes (I use the big plastic echo style mikes).
  6. Finally, from the start of class, have the kids stand continuously. Tell them that not until they show adequate energy and enthusiasm in their singing will they be allowed to sit. Til then, they'll remain standing.

Good luck.

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