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Fun Things To Do With Easter Season Songs

Submitted by Cheryl Elder, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Idea posted 2002-06-05

I thought I would share with you what I did this week with my kindergartners and first graders. We sang "Funny Bunny" (from Music K-8, Vol. 8, No. 4), "The Bunny Boogie" (from Music K-8, Vol. 7, No. 4), "Dip An Egg" (from Music K-8, Vol. 10, No. 4), "Hard-Boiled Egg" (from Music K-8, Vol. 9, No. 4), and "Jelly Bean Blues" (from Music K-8, Vol. 12, No. 4).

Funny Bunny

We did the swim, boogaloo, and the monkey and pretended to play the drums on the Ha! part.

The Bunny Boogie

We twisted, did the hand jive, and wiggled our ears.

Dip An Egg

I got some of those colored plastic eggs and filled them with uncooked macaroni, and the kids played whatever color I called. I even found some red eggs, but I had some hot pink ones that were a substitute.

Jelly Bean Blues

I had the kids sing the da da da dot's, and I told the story, complete with sunglasses and my toy mike.

It was a great lesson! And the kids loved trying to figure out what was in the eggs. Of course, I taped them shut so the stuff wouldn't fall out.

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