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Different Ways To Listen For Form

Submitted by Becky Luce, New Hampshire

Idea posted 2002-06-05

I always start by identifying the A section with the kids. I have them raise their hands when they hear it, sing it with me, count the number of times they hear it, stand up, lie down, freeze in a statue... anything to focus their listening in a fun way. Sometimes, I create a "listening map" of sorts by dividing a piece of paper into however many sections there are in the piece. Once we've identified the A section, we write a small letter A in the sections where it "shows up." Then the kids draw a design (I ask them to choose one that can be duplicated fairly easily) in each of the A sections.

The one thing I do differently is that I play the selection more than twice for them... for some kids, that's just not enough times. Have fun!

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