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Simple Movements For The Heart Of America

Submitted by Sally Eilering-Sorenson, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Idea posted 2002-04-30

Here are the movements that we do. I believe in KIS! (Keeping It Simple!)

Intro: Clap to the beat
"We get up each morning and greet our new day" - wave with RH
"We know that we're free to be living our way" - both thumbs pointing back to self
"We're free to be saying what we want to say" - Rt index finger rolling out from mouth
"We're happy we're living in our USA" - Salute with RH on the words USA
Chorus: RH pats chest over heart on each word "heart" and salutes on "America"
Clap with beat in interlude
"We live in a land where our dreams can come true" - hands in front, palms up, fanning out in opposite directions on "land"
"A country with choices for me and for you" - thumbs back to oneself on "me" and index fingers pointing out to audience on "you"
"We know that our freedom will always shine through" - hands fan in opposite directions over head on the word "shine"
"We're happy to live with the red, white, and blue" - salute on RW&B
Chorus - same as before
Bridge - clap, clap on stomps (because CD skips) "listen to the heart beat" - pat 2 Xs over heart on "heart beat"
Ending - as each group sings "America" - hands clasped together and circle once in front of body waist high (sign language for America)
Final - "The Heart!" - R fist in the air on "heart"

Hope this makes sense. This is the Special Chorus' favorite performance number.

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