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Cup Game - Susan Ramsey

Submitted by Tonie Bryan

Idea posted 2001-08-23

Cup Game Pattern

First part:

Language is: "clap clap bumblebee, clap, up, down" ("ta, ta, titi, ta / ta, ta, ta, rest")
Beat 1: clap (ta)
Beat 2: clap (ta)
Beat 3: tap the top of the cup twice (titi)
Beat 4: tap the top of the cup once (ta)
Beat 5: clap (ta)
Beat 6: raise the cup a few inches into the air (ta)
Beat 7: place the cup down again (ta)
Beat 8: rest

Second part:

Language is: "Clap, Grab, Pop, Down, Switch, SLAP, Pass"
("ta, ta, ta, ta / ta, ta, ta, rest")
Beat 1: clap
Beat 2: grasp the cup from the left with the right hand
Beat 3: "pop" the top (open) end of the cup against the left palm held flat with thumb up
Beat 4: place the cup down, right side up. Don't let go of the cup.
Beat 5: place the bottom of the cup in the left palm, then grasp with left hand. "Switch" the cup to your left hand in this movement.
Beat 6: Slap the table (or floor) with the right palm down.
Beat 7: Using the left hand, place the cup in front of the person to the right, reaching over the right hand that has slapped down. The cup is placed upside down, in position to begin the first part.
Beat 8: Rest


  • Teach the first part first and pass the cups on the "up/down" part putting it down in front of the person to your right.
  • You'll need enough cups for everyone playing, but as you are teaching it, pass the cups out gradually. Pass to your right until everyone in the circle has a cup in front of him or her. Once everyone has a cup, teach the second part s..l..o..w..l..y!
  • Use plastic tumbler cups. Paper cups will get crushed and cans are too noisy.
  • Try this game using the Washington Post March (Sousa)
  • Try this in a performance using white gloves, white cups and black light.
  • Have the kids make up their own cup passing patterns!

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