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Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Lesson for Grades 1-2

Submitted by Kaylin Denison, Sutton, Nebraska

Idea posted 2011-11-11

I use this lesson with grades 1-2 to teach "piano" and "forte."

Boom Chick A Boom Chant

I said a boom chick a boom


I said a boom chick a boom


I said a boom chick a rocka chick a rocka chick a boom


Oh yeah


Uh huh


I said a boom chick a boom


I teach this chant to my students, and I use different dynamics. Then I hand out two radios. One is small, and there is a "p" on it; the other one is larger, with an "F" on it. We talk about what "piano" and "forte" mean and review. (This is a great way to introduce the concepts, too.) We say the rhyme again, and they have to hold up what radio is being used or what dynamic is being chanted. Then we read the picture book, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. I hand out soft percussion instruments and loud percussion instruments. They have to listen to my voice and imitate with their percussion instruments. I make sure that I take turns with the different dynamics so everyone gets a turn.

When all of the letters fall, we do the entire chant as forte. At the part of the book where all of the letters are sleeping, we keep the whole chant piano.

In another lesson, I have them work with partners and compose with their radios. You would need a total of 6 radios. They write the order of how they want the dynamics. I put them up on the board and make the group my helpers, and they lead the class in the chant with their loud and soft instruments.

This lesson usually takes two or three classes.

Editor's Note: Don't forget about our song "Forte Piano" and its music video!

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