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Instrument Families Assessment Game

Submitted by Cala Martin, Southfield, Michigan

Idea posted 2010-09-20

Great way to assess students on instrument families; they think it's a game!

I made up several packets with about 50 cards in each one of instrument pictures. I printed each set in a different color, just in case they fell on the floor or got mixed up with another set, so that they could easily be put back into the correct packet. I also laminated them, since I planned to use them with several classes.

After doing a lesson on the families, I asked students to work in a group to sort the cards into the families each belonged. With older students, I had them separate into all four categories of brass, woodwinds, strings, and percussion. With younger students, I covered one at a time and had them only pick out the instruments from that family.

The kids had so much fun and I was able to do one-on-one work with several students while going to each group to assess student comprehension.

My administration is also happy that I have something kinesthetic for the children to learn with while covering a topic that can be a little "hands-off" if you don't have access to orchestral instruments.

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