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Silly Bands Bulletin Board Idea

Submitted by Leslie Ritter, Worthington, Ohio

Idea posted 2010-08-16

I just finished a bulletin board with the following title:

(school name) (school mascot) "Band" Together!

I used a pack of the popular silly (rubber) bands with a rock band theme as my inspiration. First, I put the bands themselves on the copy machine and enlarged the images. Then, I further enlarged them using the opaque projector and traced them on white roll paper. I put black paper on the bulletin board background and used various, bright-colored music bulletin board borders and alternated them around the border.

I then stapled the white silly band patterns on the board and then used multicolored yarns to staple around the outside of the pattern. (I went around twice with the yarn to make a fatter outline.) After removing the white pattern, the outline that is left looks remarkably like the real silly bands. In between the large outlines, I used clear packing tape to attach the bands themselves in the spaces. I thought the tape might discourage little fingers lifting the actual silly bands.

I can't wait to see how the kids react to it when school starts!

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