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Scarf movements for Shalom Chavarim

Submitted by Linda Zaudtke, Florida

Idea posted 2010-01-18

Scarf choreography for "Shalom Chaverim" (from Music K-8, Vol. 19, No. 2):

Just four basic moves to learn: A, B, C, D - two per verse. After these are solid, you could ask kids to suggest changes. (This is from our fifth grade.)

Intro: Start in circle facing in, alternating blue and green scarves. (Speech about, "You git what you git and you don't throw a fit," and "Keep it out of your hair!") All crouch down, balancing, holding scarves in rectangle position in front of face, eyes showing.

Verse 1: A: One child starts the "wave" - standing up until all are standing, gently waving their rectangle scarf. Freeze with rectangle spread out just below eyes on "Shalom, shalom." B: "Lehitrahot..." standing in "eyes" position, and slowly turn.

Verse 2: Turn to walk clockwise position. ("How do you do this?" - I run around the middle of the circle to show them which direction to go.) Class dramatically moves arm to hold "outside arm" at 2:00 position with scarf hanging down. C: Walk slowly. D: "Till we meet..." - turn toward scarf hand and gently turn around while twirling scarf over head.

Verse 3: Blue scarves go to the middle and crouch down and do Verse 1 movements (or could assign a leader that Blues follow to improvise some movements together.) Green scarves continue Verse 2 C & D movements in outer circle, walking with arms at 2:00 position, etc.

Verse 4: Green goes to the middle and crouches down to do Verse 1 movements while Blues move to the outside to do 2:00 movements of Verse 2.

Conclusion: Inside circle does "S" movements and then everyone kneels down, looks down, and moves scarf dramatically over head towards floor.

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