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Kindergarten Sub Plans

Submitted by Stacie Devaney, Tucson, Arizona

Idea posted 2010-01-05

Here are some ideas I have for a sick day/kindergarten sub plans:

Instrument Bingo: Share a card with a partner and first do just the pictures, then use the CD for the sounds.

I made a few "Color-by-Note" pages, where I took a simple coloring page from a book and broke it into segments, putting either a quarter note, a quarter rest, or a half note in the spaces. Give them a key for which is red, blue, yellow (whatever), and have them color it as they listen to music. (I sometimes have them listen to a rehearsal CD for their program [whether it's coming up or already passed], or classical, jazz, whatever you want.)

Along those lines, have them do a "free draw" to a piece of music. I left Vivaldi's Spring with a little blurb to read about it, and the direction to draw something that represents "Springtime."

A list and CD of familiar songs (Twinkle, Twinkle; B-I-N-G-O; etc.) and a box of rhythm instruments. Sit in a circle, pass the instruments, find the steady beat.

Books like "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Shoo Fly," if your sub is willing to read and sing.

We also have 11 keyboards that I offer for "team exploration." One group can explore the keyboards while the other does one of these activities.

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