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Music K-8 Winter Show

Submitted by Brian Behary, Gahanna, Ohio

Idea posted 2009-10-28

Here is a script for a winter show based almost entirely on songs from Music K-8, Vol. 20, No. 2. Enjoy!

A Turkey Tale

It started a few weeks ago from today, and it happened in the most unusual way.

The turkeys around us are all full of cheer, and they have a good reason; you see, they're still here!

Near the end of November they usually think that their days are all numbered, and hope starts to sink.

What would they need to help make this mood stop? A turkey named "T" and a little hip hop!

"Hip Hop Turkeys" (from Music K-8, Vol. 20, No. 2)

Yes, this year was different, and how can that be? Well, it all started with one turkey: Tom, I mean T!

The turkeys all gathered in their gobble room, to find a way around their impending doom.

It seemed to be hopeless. The end was so near when T said, "Don't worry! We don't have to fear!"

He had an idea he wanted to try. He said, "When people eat, they should start with the pie!"

"Pumpkin Pie Polka" (from Music K-8, Vol. 20, No. 2)

Well, people thought eating pie first would be fine. But once it was gone, they had no room to dine.

There was nothing to do with those turkeys, so then they let them all go back to live in their pen.

The turkeys were free again thanks to that song, but it didn't take long to see something was wrong.

Don't get us wrong, they were glad they were living. They just didn't know what came after Thanksgiving.

They went to the farmer a little perplexed, and asked him if he could tell them what was next.

He told them of Hanukkah, eight days and nights, and how it's known as "The Festival of Lights."

"Happy Hanukkah" (from Music K-8, Vol. 20, No. 2)

Then, the farmer had such good things to say, as he took his dear time to explain Christmas day.

The turkeys all gobbled and warbled with glee, as the farmer told them about the Christmas tree.

They all started acting so gentle and mild, because they saw Christmas through the eyes of a child.

"Christmas Through The Eyes Of A Child" (from Music K-8, Vol. 20, No. 2)

They found you can celebrate so many ways. Let's not forget Kwanzaa, that's seven more days!

"Kwanzaa" (from Music K-8, Vol. 5, No. 2 or as a Singles Reproducible Kit)

With many opportunities to celebrate, the turkeys were better than good... they were great!

They started their own little holiday schools, where they learned how to live by the holiday rules.

"Rules For Christmas" (from Music K-8, Vol. 20, No. 2)

Then, T explained he had a holiday wish; it was not for more corn or to swim like a fish.

No, his wish would stuff him with so much delight. You see, what he wished for was the gift of flight.

But he did not want to fly like a bird. No, he wished he could fly like a big flake of snow.

"If I Could Fly Like A Snowflake" (from Music K-8, Vol. 20, No. 2)

The turkeys all lived happily ever after and filled every moment with gobbles of laughter.

They learned every carol and song that they could. They sang in two parts, and it sounded quite good.

And T learned to sing every holiday note and was a guest the next year on a Macy's Day float!

Now this is the end of our holiday show, but we'd like to sing just one more before we go.

And now our last song. I'm sure you'd love to hear it. We hope that it helps you to get in the spirit.

"In The Spirit" (from Music K-8, Vol. 18, No. 2)

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