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Love & Logic Rules and Expectations

Submitted by Gretchen, Illinois

Idea posted 2004-07-13

Some clarifications on the "Love & Logic Rules and Expectations": "Brain drain" is referred to in Love & Logic as when a student is continuously disruptive and causing precious "teaching energy" to be drained from the teacher's brain. When "brain drain" occurs, the student is asked to offer ideas as to how s/he might "replace" that which was drained. Suggestions might be: write a short essay on a parallel topic (on their own time), come in during lunch/recess to do some classroom housekeeping, etc. This is all done with love, of course, and a touch of drama.

Also, the "Q" I refer to is a card I have hanging on my bulletin board with a "q" on one side and a "Q" on the other. When a class comes in the "q" is showing - meaning normal conversation is ok among the kids while they find their seats. (I take a quick roll, grab any materials needed, etc., during this time.) Then, when I'm ready to start, I simply flip the card (it's hanging on a string clipped with a clothespin) to "Q," which indicates I'm ready to begin. I used to announce "I'm turning the 'Q.'" but this year I'm going to turn it silently and wait for them to show me that they are ready.

Finally, my room is arranged with chairs five to six across and four deep. Each row has a chairperson. Each day I put on the board which chairpersons are responsible for passing out and gathering materials like songbooks, clipboards, instruments, etc., to those in their row. Usually I have these items stacked on the assigned chairperson's chair at the start of class so when they walk in they can grab the materials and start passing them out.

Love & Logic Rules and Expectations

Here's what you can expect...
1. I will teach when:

  I have your attention.

  There are no distractions.

  I am not experiencing "brain drain."

2. I will respond to one person at a time.
3. You are welcome to use classroom materials as long as you treat them with care and respect.
4. You may keep your seat as long as you and others are not being bothered.
5. You are welcome to remain with the class as long as you honor yourself and others with respect.
6. You are welcome to play an instrument as long as you:

  Treat the instrument with care and respect.

  Play only when it is your turn.

  Show respect to yourself and others as long as you have the instrument.

Here are the basic procedures...
1. I will begin class after the "Q" is turned, all are seated, and I have everyone's attention.
2. You can find out what we'll be doing by checking the agenda board.
3. You may borrow a pencil as long as you return it.
4. I will dismiss class when chairs and materials are in order and I have everyone's attention.
5. Place all materials not in use under your chair. Thank you.
6. Check the board for "chairperson assignments" and pass out/gather assigned materials to those in your row. Thank you.
7. When moving chairs, do so carefully as directed to avoid damage or injury. Thank you.
8. If I've missed something, I'll let you know.

I go over these rules with my students. Third through eighth graders get a hard copy to keep in their music folders for reference purposes. Also, I make sure that every student has a clear picture of MY definition of respect as mentioned above so we are on the same page.

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