Printed from the Idea Bank

Instrument Petting Zoo

Submitted by Theresa Goble, La Porte, Indiana

Idea posted 2002-03-25

Our local symphony orchestra hosts an "Instrument Petting Zoo" before our annual Children's Concert. The way we work it: Several musicians from different sections of the orchestra bring out their instruments before the concert into the lobby. They are set up on chairs, and children are free to "roam the zoo" and "pet" or try out the different instruments. (Kind of like going to an animal petting zoo where you pet the animals and feed them! I bet our musicians would love to be fed, too!) Anyway... I digress. Usually, they don't do the mouthpiece thing unless they have an extra OR they have something to clean it with. What works best is the musician blows into the instrument while holding the child's fingers in place with theirs and voilá! A sound appears! Same for the strings... The musician holds the child's fingers in place and helps them play a song. Or, the musician does the fingering and the child does the bowing. It's all very informal, and the kids get a good chance to try out instruments. Of course, percussion is a BLAST! They have all sorts of fun with congas, etc. (Mostly hand percussive instruments is what we use.)

So there you have it! An instrument petting zoo where children go to "pet" or try out instruments! Really very simple!

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