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Discipline System - Music Class Of The Month

Submitted by Joni Kotche, Bloomingdale, Illinois

Idea posted 2002-03-25

While student teaching, I gleaned a behavior/discipline system from my coordinating teacher. With a little tweaking, I got something that works really, really well for me. I hope you can understand it. This is what I have in my Substitute Folder.

The classes are working to be "Music Class Of The Month" in their grade level. At the beginning of the school year, each student signs his/her name to the "giant music note" that has their room number and teacher name on it. If that class becomes MCOTM, the note is posted outside their classroom for all the world to see. I hold any notes for classes that did not excel that month.

At the end of the school year, the class or classes that have been MCOTM the most for that grade level receive a popsicle/CD party on one of their last music days. I provide the popsicles and students bring their favorite CDs for listening/dancing during music class (there is always a discussion of appropriate music, etc.).

One last thing, the Concertmaster is my assistant for that class time. The Concertmaster is in charge of attendance, supplies, line leader, etc.

  • Each class begins with five points for the day; one point for each letter of MUSIC.
  • The magnetic red and black letters M-U-S-I-C are placed on the board. In each class, the Concertmaster checks to make sure the letters are not turned sideways.
  • The children know that disruptive behavior could jeopardize the points. Should your control over the class begin to waiver, give the class a warning. The warning is that the letter M is turned sideways.
  • Should the disruptive behavior continue, remove a letter (beginning with M) and the class will receive only four points (or less) for that day. Do not give any more warnings... they only get letters taken away now.
  • Be sure to log the class points onto the sheet provided.

Hope this helps someone.

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