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Test Me Movements

Submitted by Jaree Hall, Nashville, Arkansas

Idea posted 2007-04-26

Below are movements for "Test Me" from Music K-8, Vol. 16, No. 4.

The kids started in lines with a partner by their side.


clap on beats 2 and 4


"test me" - hands out, palms up; wiggle fingers as in "come on"
"ready" - back-to-back with partner, arms crossed
"test me" - same as before
"studied" - point to head 3 times in rhythm
"test me" - same as before
"show you, show you, show you" - point with index finger left, middle, right
"what I know" - both hands touch shoulders, then head, then up, then down on legs the beat after "know"

Verse: (same on both)

lean right with right hand thumb up pointing to the side (like hitching a ride), then left with left thumb
up, then right and hop 3 times (that takes 8 beats)
then reverse it - start left, then right, then left
hop 3 times
repeat each direction
roll hands (like the conga line) 2 beats, then back-to-back with partner 2 beats
hop to the front 2 beats, back 2 beats, front 2 beats, back 2 beats


back-to-back with partner with attitude, bouncing in rhythm

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