Printed from the Idea Bank

Coloring Concerts

Submitted by David Jackson, Marion, Ohio

Idea posted 2007-01-24

After studying about a particular composer or music selection we often have a Coloring Concert. I provide crayons and a coloring page appropriate to the subject and age group. The class colors while I play a CD of the composer's music. The only requirement is that students must be quiet while they are coloring. Students don't have to color, but they must still sit quietly and listen. I choose selections that last less than 10 minutes. I also color and take time to walk through the class, quietly checking the students progress and showing them my picture. I find that this activity is a great way to introduce students to music and to help them learn about quietly listening to music as if they were at a concert. My students seem to enjoy the activity and even ask me when entering the room if we are going to have a Coloring Concert that day.

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