Printed from the Idea Bank

Cart Storage

Submitted by Meredith Harley Inserra, New Bern, North Carolina

Idea posted 2007-01-03

When I was on a cart, I had a seamstress create a sturdy canvas panel. It was covered with different-sized canvas pockets that closed with velcro (at the top of each pocket). The canvas panel hung from the side of my cart with velcro as well. I was able to carry little things like pens, pencils, stickers, my recorder, stapler, scissors, post-it pads, a few markers, chalk, flash cards, magnets, plan book, grade book, etc. The pockets ranged in size from 6 inches wide to 12 inches wide and varied in depth. The pockets were all pleated so they would expand to hold plenty of whatever I crammed in them.

I still have that thing, and it's still going strong 17 years later! (It's velcroed to the top of my filing cabinet now.) I like that it is removable so I can take it off the cart and use it in other ways and in other places.

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