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Scarin' Alive Movement Suggestions

Submitted by Betty Vacek, Portland, Texas

Idea posted 2006-09-18

Here are some movement suggestions for "Scarin' Alive", Music K-8, Vol. 11, No. 1
1st part
Hustle 4 steps forward, point to head and 3rd eye (middle of forehead).
Hustle 4 steps back, then thumbs up acting cool.
Step L, together, Step L, together while scarecrow arms up, down, up, down.
Repeat going right.
3rd part
Grapevine L to 4 counts, then put jazz hands in air toward L, R, L, R ("scaring alive").
Repeat to R.
On "I, I, I" - point toe forward, back, forward, back, pivot turn, and again so facing opposite direction. (Kindergarten point to self with alternating thumbs.)
Jazz hands in air L, R, L, R.
Repeat all, end up facing original direction and improvise.
Repeat all changing motions on beginning part to fit words.
Improvise the end.

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