Printed from the Idea Bank

T. Rex In The Neighborhood Movement

Submitted by Connie Herbon, Iowa

Idea posted 2002-03-01

We've never performed "T. Rex In The Neighborhood," (from Music K-8, Vol. 8, No. 1), available as a Singles Reproducible Kit) but here's some movement for the refrain which has been successful when we sing the song in class.

  1. Make a big "T" with both arms and an "X" with both arms as those letters are sung. Follow immediately with two snaps.
  2. On "in the neighborhood," swing both arms in front of the body in a clockwise circle, (begin at 6 o'clock) and end by sweeping arms to the left.
  3. Repeat going counter clockwise and sweeping arms to the right. This takes you up through "There's a," at which time you're back to the letters.

All arms need to move in the same direction for effect and for safety, but instead of using the directions above, I say things like "circle hands toward closet."

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