Printed from the Idea Bank

Masters In This Hall Parody - Shoppers In This Mall

Submitted by Marilyn Rountree, Jerome, Idaho

Idea posted 2006-01-11

A student of mine wrote a parody to John Riggio's arrangement of "Masters In This Hall" from Music K-8, Vol. 16, No. 2. I thought it was good and hoped that you would think so too.

Words by Thurman Pratt
Traditional/arr. John Riggio

Shoppers in this mall,
buying things today.
Coming from afar,
to shop 'til Christmas Day.

1. Shoppers in this mall, buying things today.
Coming from afar, to shop 'til Christmas Day.
Shopping! Shopping! Shopping!
Shopping every day!
Things are going very fast, so buy your stuff today.
Shopping! Shopping! Shopping!
Shopping is so fun!
Please come and buy almost anything tonight.
2. And a cool toy, on her arms had she.
The same one I just found, on aisle twenty-three.
Shopping! Shopping! Shopping!
Shopping every day!
Things are going very fast, so buy your stuff today.
Shopping! Shopping! Shopping!
Shopping is so fun!
Please come and buy almost anything tonight.
3. Everything's on clearance, come and buy today.
Better hurry up before it's, all gone away.
Shopping! Shopping! Shopping!
Shopping every day!
Things are going very fast, so buy your stuff today.
Shopping! Shopping! Shopping!
Shopping is so fun!
Please come and buy almost anything tonight.

Shoppers in this mall, buying things today.

Shoppers in this mall, buying things today.

Findings of great sales, this merry Christmas Day.

Findings of great sales, this merry Christmas Day.

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