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Parody With Be My Valentine-Oh!

Submitted by Reta Lansdale, Tishomingo, Oklahoma

Idea posted 2002-03-01

I love to use parodies with Music K-8 music. Try this one in your classroom.

In Music K-8, Vol. 5, No. 4, there is a picture and information about the banjo. Take "Be My Valentine-Oh!" (from Music K-8, Vol. 5, No. 3) to introduce the banjo sound. Add these words to the music:

Verse 1:
This instrument has five long strings,
Chorus banjo is its name-o,
(spell) b-a-n-j-o, b-a-n-j-o, b-a-n-j-o,
and banjo is its name-o.
Verse 2:
Its body looks like a tambourine,
Verse 3:
It's made of parchment, metal, and wood,
Verse 4:
It gives - out a very bright sound,
Verse 5: (question)
Where can you find this instrument played?
Verse 6: (answer)
Ragtime, Dixieland, bluegrass bands,

Now just listen again to the banjo as the music plays. You can hear the banjo better if you listen at the end of the piece.

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