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Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Movements

Submitted by Cak

Idea posted 2005-11-14

This is a really crazy secular Christmas goodie I learned from another teacher.

Do only the motions for the following words; do not sing them!

Reindeer: Thumbs on temples with fingers extended
Nose: Point to nose 3 times (3 beats).
Glows: Circular motion with hands around face 3 times (3 beats)
Names: Make raspberries motions/noises.
Games: Pat, pat, clap, slap (air or actually slap neighbor's hands)
Nose so bright: Point to nose 3 times (3 beats).
Guide my sleigh tonight: Pretend to "drive" sleigh reins.
Reindeer: Thumbs on temples with fingers extended
Loved him: Hug yourself and twist left, right, left (3 beats).
Glee: Say "rah, rah, sis boom bah" (ta ta ti-ti ta)
Reindeer: Thumbs on temples with fingers extended
History: Point to floor (on "his"), then slap (on "tor"), then clap (on "ry").

Then have the audience try it!! It's really a hoot!

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