Printed from the Idea Bank

Simple Gifts Concert

Submitted by Andy Tolksdorf, Green Bay, Wisconsin

Idea posted 2005-10-28

Looking for a concert that covers all the bases, lets you use those great songs that you've been learning all school year, but still has a little holiday twist? Try this. I took the song "Simple Gifts" from Music K-8, Vol. 1, No. 4 and used it as my theme for the concert. We talked about the gifts that we have in our lives, and from the discussion with students we came up with a list of things that they could connect with. We used songs such as "Ev'ryone Deserves A Home" SRK and "I'm Grateful" from Music K-8, Vol. 10, No. 2 along with other Music K-8 favorites. I really love this concert idea, and I received tons of positive feedback from my parents and administrator.

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