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Boa Constrictor Song

Submitted by Connie Herbon, Iowa

Idea posted 2005-10-11

I wrote this version of "Boa Constrictor," and it is not copyrighted. There isn't a tune, although the one in my head is the old Brownie song "I've Something In My Pocket." (Don't know what that tune really is, but it probably came from that infamous classic "99 Bottles of ____ on the Wall.") I'd do it a half-step higher for each two-line stanza. For speech/instruments, I can see groups taking two lines each and adding instrument color, movement, props, etc.


A boa constrictor's got me; he's got me by the toe!
He just keeps right on swallowing and will not let me go!
A boa constrictor's got me; he's reached my shaking knees!
I do not want to be his lunch! Won't someone help me, please!
A boa constrictor's got me; he's now up to my waist!
I know this is the scariest snake that I have ever faced!
A boa constrictor's got me; my neck just disappeared!
I think I might be getting sick! I'm feeling really weird!
A boa constrictor's got me; he soon will have my head!
No, wait! I just woke up and found I'm safely tucked in bed!

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