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Discipline - "Happy Calls"

Submitted by Kathleen Bragle, New York

Idea posted 2002-03-01

This is just an off-the-wall idea that I have been doing for a bit, and it is painless.

  • makes you, the teacher, feel good
  • makes the parents happy
  • makes the student happy
  • encourages continued good behavior

What is this great method?? I call them "Happy Calls"! Just pick up the phone and call the parent of a child who is doing a GREAT JOB (either in a big way or just very quietly in class) and tell the parent. I have really tried to find the time in my crazy life to do this once or twice a week if I can. It has created such good will, and it isn't anything contrived, but very sincere. I end up having a great conversation with parents (that's not hard with my big mouth!), and I try to make the point that I noticed their child 'midst the crowds of children I encounter all week etc. etc. This means so much to parents and you have opened a line of communication with them. Yes, it is time consuming, but so worth it.

I especially use this "approach" if I see a child whom I really love, acting consistently like an idiot and on the verge of getting into trouble big time. I tell the parent just that - that I want to nip this behavior in the bud, BECAUSE I absolutely love this child etc. etc. It really works. The child usually arrives back in class a bit shamefaced - they know that you called, that you told their parents that you think the world of them and how you want continued good behavior etc.

I just have found this to be a win/win situation and thought I would pass it on.

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