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Butterfly - Alternative Lyrics of Autumn Leaf

Submitted by Mollie Brewsaugh-Shamma, West Chester, Ohio

Idea posted 2005-08-17

Here are some alternate lyrics we sang to the accompaniment only version of "Autumn Leaf" from Music K-8, Vol. 11, No. 1.

We used this song for our Kindergarten Graduation and Promotion/Awards program in June. I should note that I work for a private religious school where it is okay to speak of God in a song during the performance.


Butterfly, in the sky,
It's always nice when you pass by.
You have changed from small to grand,
And this is all as God has planned.
Butterfly, in the sky
On colored wings
you go by.
Butterfly, you can fly:
Lovely colors in the sky!
Butterfly, in the air,
You flutter past without a care.
Now we've met, you and I.
I will remember once you fly.

We painted watercolor butterflies for our backdrop, and the song made a great companion to the "Ready to Fly" theme of the program.

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