Printed from the Idea Bank

Trophy as Reward

Submitted by Louise Eddington, Muncie, Indiana

Idea posted 2005-07-25

The school I was at when I retired bought three modest-sized trophies (approximately 12" tall), one each for music, art, and PE classes. Based on the specials' recommendations, one class from the school was selected each week to be "Music (or art, or PE) class of the week." This was announced over the PA system. The class got to keep the trophy in their room for a week until it rotated to another class.

I thought this was a good extra incentive, and the kids loved getting the trophy. We were on a rotating schedule (a third of the class had music every day for a week, a third art, and a third PE), and each week the classes rotated to a new specials class. Therefore, a single class could never win more than one trophy at a time because they were only in one specials class each week.

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