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Cup Game Words

Submitted by Kristin Lukow, Nebraska

Idea posted 2005-05-27

My third through sixth graders LOVE this game. Here is what we say for the Cup Game. (It really helps to get the rhythm pattern down.)

Clap Clap Bumblebee
Clap Up Down
Clap Turn Pat Pat
Change Floor Down
Clap Clap - is just what it says.
Bumblebee - is tapping the top of the cup to that rhythm.
Up - is picking the cup up with the right hand.
Down - is putting the cup down with the right hand.
Turn - is picking the cup up with the right hand and flipping the cup open end up.
Pat Pat - is pating the mouth of the cup with left hand.
Change - is putting the cup in the left hand.
Floor - is patting the floor in front of you with the right hand.
Down - is crossing your left hand over your right hand and putting the cup down in front of the person on your right.

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