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Symbol Cue For Playing Instruments

Submitted by Gretchen Taylor, Illinois

Idea posted 2005-03-31

Here's a cool activity. Prepare on a large piece of poster board a giant spiral (like a snail shell). Within the lines of the spiral, draw repeated shapes (i.e., "o o o o o = = = = = = = # # # o = = =" etc.) in whatever pattern you like. You can even overlap a few. Then explain that each symbol refers to a specifically assigned instrument, and pass out the instruments. With a pointer, start at the outer end of the spiral and tap each shape in a steady beat. Students should play to the beat when you tap their symbol. Once they get this down, try varying the tempo. Try it again, but this time drag your pointer across the symbols. With no sense of pulse the changing of instruments is more blended. Again, try varying the tempo.

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