Printed from the Idea Bank

Santa/Reindeer Game

Submitted by RaeAnna Goss, Nashville, Tennessee

Idea posted 2005-01-31

I've merged some ideas that I've read on the Music K-8 Mailing List and have come up with a game that has worked well with my kindergartners! My assistant principal came in spontaneously and loved watching! Here it is:

I pick one child to be the reindeer and one child to be Santa. Santa goes outside my door, while the child with the reindeer ZooPal plate hides the plate somewhere in my room. When Santa hears us singing the song,

"Where is Santa's reindeer, where did he go? We'll help you find him, ho ho ho!" (ss mm s m, s mm s? S ml s m, s m s!)

Santa comes back in and tries to find the reindeer. We help Santa by doing a "hot and cold" type game. When Santa is close to the reindeer, we sing, "ho ho ho;" when Santa is not close, we whisper, "ho ho ho."

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