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Counting Down for Classroom Management

Submitted by Pat Price, Gwinnett County, Georgia

Idea posted 2005-01-24

One secret about counting, which I learned years ago, is that you should always count DOWN and not up. Counting up (i.e., 1, 2, 3,...) gives the impression of infinite time. However, counting down implies a definite end to the allotted time. Never allow students to say, "Blast off!" when you get to zero, as it ruins the quieting effect.

I use a 3-count for getting quiet (i.e., 3, 2, 1, *instant silence*), a 5-count for getting back to their seats (i.e., 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, *seated in silence*), and a 10-count for finding partners, getting into position, etc. I always give directions like, "Back to your chairs in 5, in 4, in 3, in 2, in 1, and we're seated in silence." I can slow it down if I need to but I rarely do. All I have to do now is start with, "3, 2...." and they get quiet before I get to 1.

Even my kindergartners have picked up on it, and I never have to re-count. If you haven't tried it, do so. It works like a charm!

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