Printed from the Idea Bank

Sharing A Room/Drawing Boundaries

Submitted by Pat Price, Gwinnett County, Georgia

Idea posted 2005-01-24

If you will be new to a school in which you'll be sharing a room with another music teacher, it's best to notify everyone of your procedures. Before school starts, e-mail (or write) every single teacher in the school, including the other music teacher. Introduce yourself, tell them how delighted you are to be there, and maybe give them a brief introduction of what you'll be doing. Then, spell out clearly what your procedures are to borrow anything from your room.

Give them the dates and times that you will be available to check out materials to them. Explain that the proper procedure is to notify you IN ADVANCE of what they will need. Then there will never be an occasion when YOU won't be able to help them fill their needs. Let them know that you (and you alone) will be in charge of the materials in that room, and that they must see you in order to use them. Tell them how much time in advance you expect to receive notice so there is never a conflict of materials being unavailable. Let them know you are always happy to help them in any way you can, but that a system will be used. That way you can always be assured of having the proper materials available for your scheduled classes, and you can keep proper inventories of the school's property. Make yourself sound open, friendly, and helpful - just be firm about procedures. Include your other music teacher in the group receiving the notices. Make sure you have worked out ahead of time exactly what your procedures will be.

This works great for me! My room is my sanctuary, and no one would conceive of taking anything without asking me. However, I always help anytime they need it and ask for it.

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