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Reindeer Warm-Up Song for K-4

Submitted by Gretchen Taylor, Illinois

Idea posted 2005-01-11

My kindergarten through fourth grade classes seemed to enjoy this chanted "Reindeer Warm-Up" (adapted from the "Beaver Call" song):

Reindeer one, reindeer all
Let's all do the reindeer call
ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch (Motion: done with a side-to-side bouncing motion while hands are placed on head in "antler" style)
Reindeer two, reindeer three
Prance around the Christmas tree
ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch (Motion: done in same manner as above except while cha-cha'ing in a little circle)
Reindeer four, reindeer five
Let's all do the reindeer jive
ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch (Motion: as before but with wiggling hips and in down down up up fashion)
Reindeer six, seven, eight
Hurry Santa don't be late
ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch (Motion: done with a side-to-side bouncing motion while hands are placed on head in "antler" style)
Reindeer nine, reindeer ten
Do the reindeer call again
ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch (Motion: done with a side-to-side bouncing motion while hands are placed on head in "antler" style)
I know it's silly, but the kids seemed to like it.

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