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ZooPal Plate Reading

Submitted by Gretchen, Missouri

Idea posted 2004-11-09

I used the ZooPal plates and did fun things with them with my second graders. (Even my usually horrendous class was superb.) Here's a short recap of what we did:

  • I lined them up: parrot, alligator, elephant, and moose.
  • I asked volunteers to name the animals.
  • We all said the animals together.
  • I had them sit at their desks (I'm in the classrooms) and tap their foot for every plate. I demonstrated, and then they did it.
  • Then I turned the elephant around and had them say all four again.
  • I continued turning each plate around, with them saying all four animals and tapping their feet.
  • Then I switched the parrot and elephant while they were turned around.
  • I had them say the NEW version, and probably 95% got it absolutely right!
  • I switched a few others, and they got it right again!

I tried this with my kindergartners, and they got it too! I was so impressed. I had them pat their laps instead of tapping feet since we were seated on the floor; got their left to right reading thing going on and everything.

Somewhere in the activity after we said the names, we clapped each sound/syllable so it was rhythms. I think with the second graders I clapped a beat and asked if it was a parrot, an elephant, a moose, or an alligator. They pretty much could decipher the animal from the number of claps.

I'm so excited they got this much and, really, it only took 15 minutes or so.

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