Printed from the Idea Bank

How The Penguins Saved Christmas Costume Ideas

Submitted by Caryn Mears, Kennewick, Washington

Idea posted 2004-11-09

My absolute favorite of all musicals is How The Penguins Saved Christmas. When I did this musical I had Santa kind of stagger around because he had just fallen and he couldn't remember who he was. It worked out perfectly and fit well with the story line. My penguins wore white felt bibs with paper bow ties and buttons hot glued on them. Some had red ties and some had green; the buttons were all black, and everything was made out of construction paper. The penguins wore black pants, black turtlenecks, and long black socks over their hands. It was the greatest choreography I'd ever done, and I just followed what the book suggests and added some sign language. Your kids and parents will love it as well!

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