Printed from the Idea Bank

Don't Stop The Music Beanbag Game

Submitted by Louise Eddington, Muncie, Indiana

Idea posted 2004-09-27

This beanbag passing game works best with second through third grade (maybe up to fourth). I call it "Don't Stop The Music." As we count a four-beat meter, we pass the beanbag ONLY on the beat of one (pass-hold-hold-hold). Then, I improvise on my recorder, leaving the children to continue on their own. After a couple of practice rounds to learn the ropes, the way it works is that if you pass on the wrong beat, or receive on the wrong beat, the music is STOPPED (hence the name of the game) and you are OUT (for a while). Last ones in the circle are the winners. You can also do this in a three-beat and two-beat meter. It's easy to play but reinforces steady beat, accent, and metrical groupings.

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