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Misbehaving Middlers - A Few Suggestions

Submitted by Linda, Kentucky

Idea posted 2004-09-14

One thing I've tried is having the misbehaving student leave the lunchroom (their free time to chat with friends) to eat lunch with me, which bores them to death. I tell them that as soon as they begin minding their manners in music class, they will earn the right to rejoin their friends in the lunchroom. I've also had them report to me at the end of the day. I escort them to the bus and make sure they're the last ones on. Then, I request that the bus driver place them in the front seat until further notice from me. The student is told that they may earn the right to board the bus with their own class and be seated where they choose when they begin choosing respectful behavior toward teachers and better manners in class. Another thing that has worked well is having that student call their own parents, with me coordinating the call. (The student usually doesn't lie when I'm right there to hear it.) In addition, keeping them in "behind class time-out" sometimes works. Students are cool when everyone is watching but lose their cockiness in a hurry when left behind. Lastly, I have them write their own offense down, then file it away with them watching me do it. I let them know that's where it will stay and we'll "play like there was never a problem" UNLESS they do something ELSE to cause me to mail that sucker home. One ninth grade cheerleader years ago flipped me off. (I saw her in my rear view mirror.) She had to write down what she did and what it meant. I filed it and never, ever heard another peep out of her.

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