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Music K-8 Winter Program

Submitted by Penny Wiese, Ellenburg, New York

Idea posted 2004-06-18

For our winter program, I took five songs from Volume 14, No. 1 and No. 2 (from Music K-8, Vol. 14, No. 1 and Music K-8, Vol. 14, No. 2). The program order was:

"Snow Is Falling Today"

"Winter Waltz"

"Thinking Of You"

"Peace On Earth"

"We Wish You A Swingin' Holiday"

Being a new teacher, I did not want to offend anyone by emphasizing Christmas over other December holidays. Although Christmas is mentioned in the script, the song selections are focused on a winter celebration instead of a religious one. Anyone of any age can relate to the story.

Chorus: "Snow Is Falling"

The opening scene begins as an old man walks across the stage and some kids hit him with a snowball. The song ends, and the man enters his home and takes off his coat.

"Snow Is Falling" ends
Old Man: "Those kids are really getting good at their aim. Those baseball camps must really be paying off."

(Man begins to talk out loud about old holiday traditions while decorating the tree.)

Old Man: "It sure will be nice to have the family around for the holidays. I remember growing up and having so much fun decorating the tree...singing and dancing while stringing the garland. Speaking of which, I have to get this place ready before everyone gets here! Now, where did I put that tinsel?" (Man continues decorating.)
Chorus: "Winter Waltz," end of song

(The tree is decorated and the man is sitting reading his mail when he gets a call from his son/daughter. We hear a one-sided conversation about how they will not able to make it to his house today due to the weather, and that they will have to wait a day or two. Sounds of disappointment are heard in the old man's voice.)

Chorus: "Thinking Of You," end of song

(Man is reading again and stops because he thinks he hears something.)

Old Man: "Where is that music coming from?"

(He walks over to the window to see if he can see anything.)

Chorus: "Peace on Earth," end of song

(Man has fallen asleep in chair and there is a knock at the door. The old man's son/daughter shows up with gifts explaining how they couldn't bare the thought of not spending the holidays with him. Scene ends with old man putting out cookies and exiting the stage for bed.)

Chorus: "We Wish You A Swingin' Holiday," end of song

For the program cover, I had a student draw a winter picture. He ended up drawing a snowman, and the artwork was great! I also added some winter acrostic poems the students created. The teachers loved it, and the audience was almost in tears during "Peace On Earth." I received numerous positive reviews. The entire program ran approximately 45 minutes.

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